Here are pics of the finished Noah's Ark Cake we did during class.
The Ark is made of a Circle (20cm) Cake and a Square (20cm) cake.
We carved the the Circle cake by cutting the ends diagonally to make the ark shape.
Then we cut the Square into 4 equal portions and cut one portion into two triangles to form the roof of the ark.
Debbie Brown's Book is really good, it shows step by step.
Problems: I didn't put toothpicks for my animals so I just buttercream them on the ark making it not secure. Next time I will put toothpicks so they can stay on the ark.
My teacher said that this cake costs about $300 in the shops. Anyways... till next time!
We finished making these flowers yesterday. I liked how the orchird turned out. The colours came out really well. It has the wrong colour bud though.
The other flowers are those flowers you see on weddings and funerals.
These are some of the animals we will be putting on our Noah's Ark cake! I'm so excited about it. I still have to make a whole lot of more animals to fill up the ark. Panda's, Snakes, Elephants!!
The Noah's Ark cake we will be doing is from Debbie Brown's book - 50 Easy Party Cakes
Firstly I couldn't cut the dowels! And I got the measurements all wrong. Then I wasn't sure about my design so moving things around, which is why there is icing and white bits on the cake! Doesn't look too neat!
The tissue paper is too thick! Needs to be thinner. It doesn't look real!
And my edges on the cake aren't smooth as I would've liked. Was my first time doing sharp edge cake!
Anyways, everything is edible except for the lid.
The lid is made of polystyrene and is held up with a dowel.
Thanks to mrsmudrash from Cake Central for the inspiration and the tips!
Firstly, the box I bought was too small so I had to squeeze it in and the cake board cover kind of came of, which is why there is that ribbon to cover all my imperfections!
And I probably wouldn't have put the 'lolo and lola' there on the cake looks untidy. It was too late to remove because the red stained the white icing.